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I have selected the new mods
duckduckduck (11): Board List | Topic List | Post New Message | Search | Log Out | Help
From: duckduckduck | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:04:15 PM | Message Detail | # 001
uG will be announcing them shortly. Congratulations to everyone who got picked!
If duck leaves, humorous posts will fall by 100%. We don't want that to happen. ~ FBI Porker
From: xIRON MAIDEN | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:04:44 PM | Message Detail | # 002
Out World Message boards
From: I N F E R N O | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:05:15 PM | Message Detail | # 003

From: strike3 | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:24:59 PM | Message Detail | # 004
I sure as shit hope he picked someone who comes here at least twice a day.
From: tranmerefan | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:28:21 PM | Message Detail | # 005

From: Slider | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:30:09 PM | Message Detail | # 006
Go there. Now.
From: Original Bastard | Posted: 7/9/2004 3:39:56 PM | Message Detail | # 007
I come here twice.. Morning and evening. >_>
He tries to impress her, mentally undress her, it takes more to possess her
From: i am not sure | Posted: 7/9/2004 4:20:26 PM | Message Detail | # 008
i come here whenever i feel like it
*sig space for rent, 10 beans for you name, 20 beans for your name and a message and 50 beans for my declaring my love to you in a little heart (please declare what you would like before you send your beans, but any donations welcome)*
From: Spike Spiegal | Posted: 7/9/2004 4:31:46 PM | Message Detail | # 009
I'm here everyday.
From: Deus Ex Raijin | Posted: 7/9/2004 6:35:08 PM | Message Detail | # 010
uG will be announcing them shortly
*some time next year
<q>ultimategamer00 only created whiteFyre to get better at coding, but at this point, that's all wF is good for.</q>
"wF has a storied history of retardation." ~ JimmyG
From: Misterbum | Posted: 7/9/2004 7:09:32 PM | Message Detail | # 011
Surprise! Tri-Duck chooses Richard Simmons to be new whiteFeyer mod.
My sucky personal board!
Come to discuss all things that suck.
From: JimmyG | Posted: 7/9/2004 7:15:36 PM | Message Detail | # 012
I for one think dx3 will make a valuable addition to the wF mod staff.
"In fact, I'd say talking to people on the internet is a better form of interaction than in real life." - Jay
From: Barysnikov | Posted: 7/9/2004 7:24:32 PM | Message Detail | # 013
I think I am active enough to be a mod. I am here every day. And if there are no interesting topics, I at least beans post. But normally this place is interesting. NOrmally.
Those who fight with kids,only bring there self down to there level... do YOU want that?
From: Spike Spiegal | Posted: 7/9/2004 7:28:35 PM | Message Detail | # 014
Like I said, I'm on every day so I can be here. When OB was flooding here, I knew who was flooding and was there to outlast it. No mods are at night and I would be able to handle those times.
From: SoFreshSoClean | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:08:14 PM | Message Detail | # 015
Huh? duckduckduck picked the new mods?
From: Bob Sakamano | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:13:11 PM | Message Detail | # 016
^That confused me too. Especially when I looked at his profile and he isn't even a mod or anything. Can someone explain this?
That's right folks, Josh Welling, the pathetic karma whore of wF has said, Darth Maul, an equal failure, that he has no life. -Shyguy
From: Wowzers | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:14:05 PM | Message Detail | # 017
Yes duckx3, your average joe wF user, picked the new mods!

From: SoFreshSoClean | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:16:21 PM | Message Detail | # 018
*Is confused*

Would someone please clear this up?
From: Wowzers | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:17:39 PM | Message Detail | # 019
I'm in awe.
From: Spike Spiegal | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:19:42 PM | Message Detail | # 020
ug let duckduckduck pick the mods.. A good choice in my opinion.
From: Slider | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:53:34 PM | Message Detail | # 021
He's a fucking robot. Don't listen to him.
Go there. Now.
From: DarkShadow Reborn | Posted: 7/9/2004 8:55:44 PM | Message Detail | # 022
Info about duck
-- .. -.- .
Twisted Legacy | Special Ops | Gensou

A Board
From: econobeing | Posted: 7/9/2004 9:04:58 PM | Message Detail | # 023
i would like to be a mod, and i think i would be a good one....but i dont come here that often...

maybe a trial modship to see how i like it would be good, heh heh
From: Y4K Bug | Posted: 7/9/2004 9:07:10 PM | Message Detail | # 024
I will be a mod in the future. Like maybe in the year 2891 or sometime around then. If not, then try up to 1000 years later (anytime before 4000).
The Y2K Bug came and failed.
The Y3K Bug (same bug, new name) will come and will fail.
1000 years after that, it will try again as the Y4K Bug and not fail. Start preparing.
From: Sion Spiegel | Posted: 7/9/2004 9:16:31 PM | Message Detail | # 025
I would like to be a moderator, seeing as how I'm on the boards every day. But I don't post a lot and I'm missing an assload of Karma (from a very long time period way back when my Interweb just couldn't load the site for some reason).

(Thanks for the sig image, XSO.)
From: Walrus | Posted: 7/9/2004 9:54:35 PM | Message Detail | # 026
I owe dtrmp4 13 Beans
Does CJayC count as a GameFAQs hacker? Because he's royally screwed the boards over. ~ Tehruke
Cool site, orginal coding:
From: Misterbum | Posted: 7/10/2004 9:09:20 AM | Message Detail | # 027
Duck always picks the new mods. That's just what he does. There shouldn't be any confusion.
My sucky personal board!
Come to discuss all things that suck.
From: JimmyG | Posted: 7/10/2004 9:37:44 AM | Message Detail | # 028
^ Correct.
"In fact, I'd say talking to people on the internet is a better form of interaction than in real life." - Jay
From: Videogameking | Posted: 7/10/2004 11:13:56 AM | Message Detail | # 029
Good luck to all who applied... correctly.
If you steal a sheep from one person, the same one will steal back 10 of yours.
From: Original Bastard | Posted: 7/10/2004 12:00:34 PM | Message Detail | # 030
Like I said, I'm on every day so I can be here.
As can I.

When OB was flooding here, I knew who was flooding and was there to outlast it.
So did I but I didn't see the point of saying the OB names of the flooders..

No mods are at night and I would be able to handle those times.
No one is on during my morning time, I could get that handled..
He tries to impress her, mentally undress her, it takes more to possess her
From: NinjaBlade | Posted: 7/10/2004 2:13:09 PM | Message Detail | # 031
The Painkiller
From: TehJabba | Posted: 7/12/2004 9:20:31 AM | Message Detail | # 032
I am on it most days
From: Demonic Angel | Posted: 7/12/2004 9:49:11 AM | Message Detail | # 033
one, no 2 words: fuckin joke
From: duckduckduck | Posted: 7/12/2004 10:44:15 AM | Message Detail | # 034
That's it Demonic Angel, you're off the staff! *rewrites list*
If duck leaves, humorous posts will fall by 100%. We don't want that to happen. ~ FBI Porker
From: Spike Spiegal | Posted: 7/12/2004 10:49:37 AM | Message Detail | # 035
pick me please
From: geniusdude89 | Posted: 7/12/2004 12:08:57 PM | Message Detail | # 036
There were applications? *missed them*
From: Davy133 | Posted: 7/12/2004 2:52:54 PM | Message Detail | # 037
I think I would make a good mod, I am able to follow orders and I can take initiative and I am loyal.

From: strike3 | Posted: 7/12/2004 3:10:35 PM | Message Detail | # 038
Check this out!

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