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PDF Tools

Foxit PDF Reader
Description: A great lightweight PDF viewer. Much less resource intensive than bloatware PDF readers like Adobe Reader.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.foxitsoftware.com

DoPDF Creator
Description: A very simple to use app which allows you to 'print' a PDF from any document.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.dopdf.com

Gios PDF Splitter / Joiner
Description: This useful drag and drop enabled utility allows you to combine multiple PDFs into a single one or split them apart.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.paologios.com
Locally hosted version

Useful Applications
ISO Recorder
Description: Right click on any archive or cd/dvd disc to create an ISO image right from the context menu. Great for archiving.
Homepage for latest version: http://isorecorder.alexfeinman.com/isorecorder.htm

Description: Free image burning utility
Homepage for latest version: http://www.imgburn.com/

Daemon Tools
Description: This tool allows you to create multiple virtual CD/DVD drives within your PC. Great for mounting image files such as ISOs right from your hard drive.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.disk-tools.com/download/daemon

Open Office
Description: This freeware alternative to Microsoft Office gives you all of the functionality of Office for the low, low price of free.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.openoffice.org

Description: A slacker's best friend at work. This stealth browser disappears at a mouse gesture and can be summoned with another.
Homepage for latest version: http://ghostzilla.en.softonic.com
Locally hosted Version

File Tools
File Ant
Description: When "explorer.exe" can't cut it anymore (keeps crashing) this replacement to Windows Explorer can be a Godsend.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.fileant.com
Locally hosted version

Killbox Pocket
Description: A handy utility that forces processes to shutdown even when Task Manager can't.
Homepage for latest version: http://killbox.net
Locally hosted version

Delete FXP Files
Description: Very handy tool to delete filesystems in Windows which have become corrupt or to cleanup servers which have been hacked. Deletes the files Windows cannot.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.jrtwine.com/Products/DelFXPFiles/
Locally hosted version

Open with NotePad
Description: Running this registry key will add the option "Open with NotePad" permanently to the right-click context menu.
Homepage for latest version: http://duckduckduck.us/dls/open with notepad.reg

Design tools
Description: A very well written tool for gathering, matching and selecting color schemes in HTML.
Homepage for latest version: http://home.hccnet.nl/s.j.francke/software/cpick.zip
Locally hosted version

Description: This Windows XP utility bestows the Vista capability to copy and paste select portions of the screen, removing the need to edit an entire screencapture.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.webtree.ca/newlife/printkey_info.htm
Locally hosted version

Description: The poor (and honest) man's Photoshop. A free paint program with lots of functionality.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.getpaint.net

Crimson Editor
Description: Crimson Editor is a professional source code editor for Windows and offers many powerful features for programming languages such as HTML, C/C++, Perl and Java.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.crimsoneditor.com

Powershell PowerGUI
Description: Enhanced Powershell scripting editor, compatible with the ActiveRoles Mgmt Shell command set also available on their site.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.quest.com/powershell

Networking, Security, Monitoring and Auditing
Sysinternals [homepage]
Description: So many great tools here that Microsoft bought the company. Be sure to check out their top 10 list on their page. The bgInfo wallpaper and Bluescreen screensaver are both fun programs to check out.
Homepage for latest version: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/default.aspx
Alternate - very bare bones direct downloads site: http://live.sysinternals.com

Belarc Advisor
Description: Builds a detailed profile of your installed software and hardware, missing Microsoft hotfixes, antivirus status, security benchmarks and displays the results in your Web browser.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
Description: An easy-to-use tool that pits your network against Microsoft security recommendations. Although overly critical and prone to chicken little syndrome, it does have its uses (particularily when selling services).
Homepage for latest version: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/cc184924.aspx

Microsoft Software Inventory Analyzer
Description: Using this tool, you can generate an inventory of Microsoft products installed on your PC or throughout a network. Great for licensing compliance checks.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/sam/msia.mspx

Description: A very well designed network inventory and management suite which can be run from any PC in a network.
Homepage for latest version: http://www.spiceworks.com

Description: A very well known and renowned 'hacking tool'. Made an appearance in the film "The Matrix".
Homepage for latest version: http://nmap.org/
Locally hosted version

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